Whaiora Whanui Trust

Address: Queen Street, MastertonContact email: tari@whaiora.org.nzWebsite: https://www.whaiora.org.nz/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhaioraMasterton The kaupapa for Whaiora was first considered in 1996 at a hui at Papawai Marae, Greytown. Ngāti Moe hapu, led by Dr Janice Wenn and Kim Workman, structured a proposal for a ‘by Māori for Māori’ community-based health service for the Wairarapa. Initially Whaiora Whanui was developed […]
Failoa Famili Trust

Address: Flat Bush, AucklandContact email: info@failoafamili.org.nzWebsite: https://www.failoafamili.org.nz/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/failoafamilicharitabletrust Our Values are encapsulated in the Samoan proverb “O le ala I le pule o le tautua” – the pathway to leadership is through service. We believe strong families are the backbone of a strong community and society. We have had leaders support and empower us and […]
Energise Ōtaki Charitable Trust

Address: Tasman Road, Ōtaki Beach, KapitiContact email: energiseotaki@gmail.comWebsite: https://www.energiseotaki.nz/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Energise.Otaki We started as a group of like minded and driven individuals in 2014, formed an Incorporated Society in 2016, and then built the Rau Kūmara Solar Farm and roof top array on Ōtaki College in 2020 prompting a move to a Charitable Trust in 2021. […]
Te Paatu ki Kauhanga Trust

Address: Kaitaia, Te Tai TokerauContact email: admin@kauhanga.nzWebsite: https://www.kauhanga.nz/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kauhanga Te Paatu ki Kauhanga Trust was established to receive and administer settlement assets, promote and provide for the exercise of kaitiakitanga, protect and preserve taonga of Te Paatu, promote, research, record and advance Te Paatu culture and education and the promotion of health and wellbeing. Trust […]

Address: 565 Wairakei Road, Burnside, Christchurch 8053Contact email: Hinerangi.pere@oriongroup.co.nz Website: oriongroup.co.nzFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/orionnewzealand Orion is an Electrical Distribution Business (EDB) that owns the electricity grid infrastructure throughout most of Canterbury. Their purpose is to ‘Power a cleaner brighter future with our community’ – driving […]
Hokianga Housing Resilient Collective

Address: 69 Mangapara Road, Whirinaki, KaikoheContact email: kiaora@hokiangahousing.org.nzWebsite: hokiangahousing.org.nzFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/xtremezerowaste HHRC was formed in 2022 to address a number of urgent and longstanding housing and energy issues. Te pae tawhiti (vision) – ‘Whanau-led solutions to access affordable, warm and dry housing’. To tatou kaupapa (mission) – Increase supply of healthy affordable homes for Hokianga whanau. […]
Xtreme Zero Waste

Address: 186 Te Hutewai Rd, RaglanContact phone: 07 825 6509Contact email: office@xtremezerowaste.org.nzWebsite: https://xtremezerowaste.org.nz/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xtremezerowaste Zero waste is our past and our future. The Whāingaroa community zero waste programme has been working hard for the last 22 years to achieve a 75-80% diversion of waste from landfill. Lets work collectively to achieve the last 20-25%. This […]
Manaaki Energy

Address: HastingsContact phone: 027 58 22 134Contact email: chris@manaakihomes.co.nz Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071686596069 Manaaki Energy uses a kaupapa Maori approach to get affordable electricity for the 100,000 families in power poverty. We are primarily focused on provision of large scale solar systems.
Trust Horizon

Address: 5 Richardson St, WhakataneContact phone: 0800 323 800Contact email: reception@trusthorizon.org.nzWebsite: https://www.trusthorizon.org.nz/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrustHorizon Trust Horizon is committed to investing in projects that bring transformational change to the Eastern Bay of Plenty. Driving the region forward, and bringing prosperity and pride to its people. This includes impact investment and community funding for energy education and engagement […]
Habitat For Humanity Northern Region

Address: 8 Ormiston Road, Otara, Auckland and 50b Kioreroa Road, WhangareiContact phone: 0800 422 4828Contact email: northern@habitat.co.nzWebsite: https://habitat.org.nz/northern/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HabitatAuckland https://www.facebook.com/Habitatnorthland Habitat for Humanity Northern Region operates across Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki Makaurau, from Cape Reinga to the Bombay’s. We build and manage affordable housing, deliver […]