Awarua Synergy

Address: 117 Eye St, Invercargill
Contact phone: 0800 927 676 (0800 Warm South)
Contact email:

The Deep South is a challenging place to live, with resilient, pragmatic people to match the environment. In our region, cold weather and damp can severely impact the warmth and moisture in our homes, farms and businesses, which then impacts our health and comfort – and our power bills. What works for Aucklanders won’t work for us! And that’s where Awarua Synergy comes in.

We’ve searched the world for the best eco-power and energy solutions for the tough environment of the Deep South, sourcing products and methods that fit the specific demands of this region. But it’s not just about the innovative, market leading products we use to boost your energy efficiency – it’s also about our expertise assessing your particular needs, and designing the solutions that will provide the most benefit to your buildings.


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