House Performance
Our position is based on what we believe is sound technical knowledge provided by BRANZ and the Eco Design Advisor service. It is our view that the majority of New Zealand housing stock performs poorly regarding staying warm and dry. This is especially the case regarding a significant proportion of our rental properties. CEN believes […]
Tackling Rheumatic Fever
In deprived areas of NZ, there is a strong link between poor housing quality and rheumatic fever, a disease that can cause swelling of the heart, joints, brain, and skin, and can lead to permanent heart damage, and premature death.
Social Enterprise
Most of CEN’s members are charities and are organised within the Social Enterprise model spectrum. We are very interested in developing a programme that uses the Social Impact Investment model. This has been successfully applied overseas and the elements for success are available in New Zealand but it has yet to be effectively implemented here. […]
Healthy Homes Guarantee Act
It is our view that the majority of New Zealand housing stock performs poorly regarding staying warm and dry. This is especially the case regarding a significant proportion of our rental properties. CEN strongly supports the intent of the Healthy Homes Guanrantee Act. We understand that the standards that underpin the HHGA will be developed […]
Awarua Synergy
Margaret Black, Bluff, wanted to warm the Bluff Medical Centre and to eradicate signs of dampness. Bluff Medical Centre has been around for 24 years and is run by nine Trustees. Awarua Synergy offered a great price which was appreciated by the Trustees. “The Centre is vastly warmer now and much more comfortable since being […]